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We want to make contributing straightforward and easy for everyone. As such and unless otherwise stated we will use the traditional Github fork and pull workflow: any commit must be made to a feature/topic branch in a local fork and submitted via a merge request before it can be merged. It is strongly advised to open a discussion or an issue before working on implementing a new feature or making any kind of large code refactoring.

Issues and merge requests should be in English.


Make sure you have a GitHub account. The main branch should be considered as the production/deploy branch.

Forking workflow¤

Extensive information can be found in this excellent forking workflow tutorial.

In a nutshell:

  1. Fork the repository and clone it locally.

    git clone${USERNAME}/firefighter-incident
    cd firefighter-incident
  2. Create a topic branch where changes will be done.

    git checkout -b ${MY_TOPIC_BRANCH}
  3. Commit the changes in logical and incremental chunks and use interactive rebase when needed. In your commit messages, make sure to: - use the present tense - use the imperative mood - limit the first line to 72 characters - reference any associated issues and/or PRs (if applicable)

    git commit -am 'Add new feature...'

    You may loosely follow conventional commits if you want to.

  4. Add test if needed & make sure the test suite and various linters are passing.

  5. Push the topic branch to the remote forked repository.

    git push origin ${MY_TOPIC_BRANCH}
  6. Open a Pull Request to merge your code and its documentation. The earlier you open a merge request, the sooner you can get feedback.

  7. Verify the test suite is passing in the CI & verify if the pipeline is green.

  8. Once the PR has been merged, the topic branch can be removed from the local fork.

    git branch -d ${MY_TOPIC_BRANCH}
    git push origin --delete ${MY_TOPIC_BRANCH}

Syncing a fork with its upstream¤

This is used to keep a local fork up-to-date with the original upstream repository.

  1. Connect the local to the original upstream repository.

    git remote add upstream${USERNAME}/${REPONAME}
  2. Checkout, fetch and merge the upstream master branch to the local one.

    git checkout main
    git fetch upstream
    git merge upstream/master
  3. Push changes to update to remote forked repository.

    git push

See GitHub help for more information.

Dev tooling¤

Check all available commands using pdm run --list.


We use black. You can run pdm run fmt or black . in the project root to format every file.

pdm run fmt

This is the equivalent of running black . in the project root.

Import sorting managed by ruff.


ruff, pylint and mypy are configured.

pdm run lint-ruff
pdm run lint-pylint

This is the equivalent of running pylint --django-settings-module=firefighter.settings <our_sources> in the project root.


We are progressively disabling Pylint checks that are implemented by ruff.

pdm run lint-mypy

This is the equivalent of running mypy <our_sources> in the project root.


The lint checks won't pass, as they are still some issues/false positives that needs to be fixed.


pdm run tests

This is the equivalent of running pytest tests in the project root.


The testing coverage is still very low.


pdm run docs-serve

This is the equivalent of running mkdocs serve in the project root. // TODO Pre-commit hook

Read more in the documentation contribution docs.


Code style¤

We loosely follow the PEP8 style guide and Google's Python Style Guide.

Use your best judgement when deciding whether to break the rules.


Import sorting is managed by ruff. Absolute imports are enforced.


We use Google-style docstrings.

You can link to other classes, methods, functions, or modules by using the mkdocstrings cross-reference syntax:

With a custom title:
[`Object 1`][full.path.object1]

With the identifier as title:

You can cross-reference to the Python standard library and Django objects.